Napoli, for Spinazzola there are no doubts: the message is stark

Napoli will play against Fiorentina on Sunday, but first we need to record some important statements from Spinazzola.

Antonio Conte’s Napoli is ready to play another very important match. In fact, the Azzurri will take on Fiorentina on Sunday at the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium.

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The goal of the partenopei, of course, is to come back for the three points. However, while waiting for the match against the team led by Raffaele Palladino, some very important important statements from Leonardo Spinazzola must be recorded in the Napoli house.

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In fact, the left-back spoke this way to the official microphones of ‘Radio CRC’:

“We didn’t give up after Dimarco’s goal, in fact we revved up our engine. We were not rushed. We did a great second half, getting an important draw. We come out of this match with Inter much more aware. Now the three injured players will also be back. I think the difficult period is over. We are ready for these last crucial months.”

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