Long ball to Kean and let’s hope he invents something: midfield, this stranger. Fiorentina inexplicable without Fagioli and Gudmundsson but now it’s no longer time for Palladino to experiment

Il tratto caratteristico della Fiorentina di Palladino di questi otto mesi è uno solo: palla lunga su Kean, sperando prima che il centravanti risorgesse dopo gli anni complicati alla Juve e poi che…

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Commisso: "Result, attitude and concentration, bravo Palladino and bravo the team. Let's keep it up
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Commisso: "Result, attitude and concentration, bravo Palladino and bravo the team. Let's keep it up
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Commisso: "Result, attitude and concentration, bravo Palladino and bravo the team. Let's keep it up
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