Twenty-two years ago, a Lecce-Reggiana match was played at the Via del Mare. The match, won 1-0 by Lecce thanks to a goal by Giannini, also remains in the memory for an iconic photo featuring Fabrizio Lorieri
Fabrizio Lorieri will forever remain one of the legends of the Giallorossi goalkeeper. Just in a match against Reggiana, Lorieri was sent off, for double yellow. The goalkeeper, already decisive then thanks to a penalty saved by Igor Protti, followed the rest of the match from the stairs leading to the Via del Mare locker room. The video frame depicts precisely the beloved No. 1 intent on watching the later stages of the match, with Massimo Lotti, now goalkeeping coach at Venezia, defending Lecce’s posts as he entered in Campolonghi’s place.
I gialloblù premono nel finale: all’80’, Tzimionas carica il destro da fuori, Scott arpiona in spaccata. Un minuto dopo, Pavanati semina il panico, ma la difesa del Lecce si chiude bene e il piatto da lontano di Nwachukwu termina tra i guanti di Rafaila. Al 93′, Mogentale manca lo specchio dai sedici metri. La gara si chiude con il destro di Gorter bloccato da Magro. Il Lecce continua a vincere e centra la terza gioia consecutiva, fermando l’Hellas Verona, decisamente positiva nel suo rendimento in trasferta.