The secret of the iron diet, slimming down in Naples and the shock revelation about his fitness weight: Romelu Lukaku talks
For years now when we talk about Romelu Lukaku among the central issues addressed is that of his physical fitness. Big Rom is a sturdy striker, very muscular and with a heavy physical frame. At times there have been doubts about his condition. Or there has been preemptive concern about his pounds, even before his eventual transfer.
For example, before he landed in Naples, the square was skeptical about his athletic condition, as he did not train in a group at Chelsea. Conte vouched for the player, listing him among the top players he coached and among the best professionals around. Above all, painting him as a golden boy because of his character.
Yet, for months there has been debate about his athletic form, diet and weight: now Lukaku puts a stop to all that and clarifies. And now he has even come in a few pounds under his goal weight.
Lukaku a Napoli è dimagrito: “Ecco qual è il mio peso”
Get to Naples and lose weight. Yes, it is possible, Romelu Lukaku claims. It seems hard to say, since Neapolitan cuisine is certainly not among the lightest. Yet, like a true professional, the Belgian striker has managed to stay even below form weight.
Romelu Lukaku svela il suo peso forma (LaPresse) SpazioNapoli
In an interview with Corriere dello Sport, the Azzurri bomber reveals how in England and Italy there are two completely different perceptions about his athletic condition:
“In England they had the wrong perception. For them I was lazy, lazy. And I never reacted to attacks, to criticism. I speak very little, I let it be. I am someone who does his job and then goes home to his children. In Italy the judgment has turned 180 degrees upside down. I am a worker.”
Then he added:
“At Inter I was one hundred and one kilos, here in Naples ninety-nine. But my fitness weight is one hundred and two kilos.”
Lukaku then responded to Zazzaroni’s joke regarding the difficulty of losing weight in Naples because of a wide variety of foods and cuisine rich in condiments:
“In the morning I never eat, I follow a strict diet.”
In short, behind Romelu’s weight is surely the hand of Tiberio Ancora, the nutritionist on Antonio Conte’s staff, who carefully oversees every aspect and detail of his players’ diets.