Monza, Parma, Empoli: now three matches within reach. But how many points lost to small…

Prima della sosta per le nazionali il Toro dovrà affrontare tre delle ultime quattro squadre della classifica, ma occhio alle brutte sorprese

The most complicated period is over, Torino has faced most of the big names in the league, and now come easier challenges on paper. After winning against Milan, the salvation “goal” is closer even from the arithmetical point of view, but the granata will now have to be good not to let their guard down and keep pushing until the end. Now, before the March break, Vanoli’s team will have to take on three of the teams lower down in the standings, but risk is always just around the corner.

Tanti punti persi contro le “piccole”

Monza, Parma and Empoli: these are Toro’s next opponents. All teams that are contending for salvation, and will therefore play with fire in their eyes against the granata. It will be necessary for this to try to give the maximum and not to underestimate the commitments, also because often such matches have not ended well. In the first leg, in fact, against the Brianzoli came a 1-1 draw, while against Parma only a 0-0; Empoli, on the other hand, was beaten, but at the same time it is also the team that eliminated Toro from the Coppa Italia – doing the same against Fiorentina and Juventus.

Il precedente della scorsa stagione

If we say that such challenges often do not end well, there is a reason, and even a look at last season’s results is enough to provide proof. Juric’s Torino, in fact, lost points against Sassuolo, Salernitana, and Frosinone, that is, the three teams that were relegated at the end of the year. Against the neroverdi came an away draw, against Salernitana one at home, and against Frosinone, on the other hand, there was a draw in both the first leg and the return leg. A total of 8 points lost, which could very well have been worth a place for Europe. That is why the upcoming challenges should not be underestimated, also to avoid regrets.

Paolo Vanoli

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