In addition to the challenges of the present, Napoli is also taking into account several assessments with a view to the future, starting with the soccer market. Here come the words of the agent of a player owned by the Azzurri that may change everything.
So many challenges await Napoli, both in the immediate present and in the future. On the horizon, the challenge against Inter is a very important and, potentially, even decisive test for the fate of the Scudetto fight. The hope on the part of the fans is that the Azzurri can take back the top of the Serie A standings: to do so, however, a victory against the Nerazzurri team, who are undoubtedly charged to the max precisely because of their newfound first place, is needed.
One eye, however, the leadership is also giving to the future. In particular, the increasingly clear feeling is that the summer market will be very busy. Situation, then, that could be at multiple twists and turns, even for all those players owned by the Azzurra club but who are now out on loan, looking for experience and minutes, also to show off in the eyes of the club of President Aurelio De Laurentiis.
Ultimissime notizie SSC Napoli, parla l’agente di Obaretin: si sbilancia sul futuro
Lorenzo Lazzari, agent of Nosa Obaretin (owned by Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli but now on loan to Bari), spoke to the microphones of PianetaBari about his client’s future.
Obaretin: parla l’agente del giocatore di proprietà del Napoli – La Presse –
The following is what was stated during the same speech:
“With Napoli relations are very good, they are focused on the season right now, they are playing so much. Dialogues are very good and frequent, he is doing very well and has attracted the attention of many clubs, not only in Italy. But right now it would be a mistake to think about what will be, today he has to stay focused on the present. There are fundamental months ahead, at the end of the season together with Napoli and Bari we will evaluate. In January someone tried us but we thanked because it was too important for him to give continuity to the season, there was no opening. At the end of the season we will make all evaluations.”
The prosecutor, however, explained that the player could also consider staying in Bari if the conditions were right:
“He has fallen in love with the city and the fans, he is also very well in Bari for everything extra-football. He found an important square, it was one of the elements that made him choose the destination. He highly esteems Longo, with Di Cesare and Magalini relations are very good, he is very grateful for the opportunity he was given and if the conditions were to be there he would not mind staying.”
I numeri della stagione di Obaretin
The hope on Nosa Obaretin’s part, of course, is to do well with Bari in order to, perhaps, play his cards with Napoli, which, as revealed by the agent, is keeping an eye on him.
Obaretin: parla l’agente del giocatore di proprietà del Napoli – La Presse –
It is not ruled out that the player could be evaluated live again in training camp, between Dimaro and Castel Di Sangro. Meanwhile, these are the numbers of the current season:
18 presenze (17 in Serie B, 1 in Coppa Italia)
1172 minuti giocati
1 assist