IT Happens Today, Feb. 28: Zarate drags Lazio, best wishes Candreva!

IT HAPPENS TODAY, FEBRUARY 28,’s column in which we tell you day-by-day events in biancoceleste history and beyond.

Accadde oggi 28 febbraio

LAZIO – Feb. 28, 2009. At the Olimpico, Lazio welcomes Bologna on the 26th day of the championship. A double by Mauro Zarate gives the success to the hosts, who take six points in two games: the Argentine, on a 75-day fasting streak, is devastating today. The team fielded by Delio Rossi is practically perfect, even close to 4-0 before the final whistle first with Rocchi, then with Foggia.

“Rediscovered Lazio? Definitely, both from the point of view of results and the game,” the latter said at the end of the match, “Physically we have improved so much and now the results are coming. Seventh place in the standings clinched, now the dream is Uefa Cup qualification. “We know that by getting results we can reach some goals, so we have to get as many results as possible from here to the end,” concluded the Neapolitan midfielder.

SPORT – Feb. 28, 1987. Rome was the birthplace of Antonio Candreva, a striker who made his debut in the biancoceleste jersey on February 1, 2012, subbing in for Hernanes in the final minutes of Lazio-Milan: his presumed Romanista faith certainly did not help him enter the hearts of Lazio fans, who would re-create themselves in time for the excellent performances he collected. On April 19, 2014, he scored his first double, reaching 11 league goals, making him (along with Hernanes and Nedvěd) Lazio’s most prolific midfielder ever in a single league. On the following day, scoring against Livorno, he further improves the record. In the summer of 2016, the player moved to Inter Milan for 25 million euros: today the former biancoceleste player turns 31, happy birthday!

HISTORY – February 28, 1991. The Gulf War, which won pitted Iraq against a U.S.-led coalition of 35 states after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, a small emirate, comes to an end. The war took on a global dimension, becoming a media event with few precedents in history. editorial staff@Copyright

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