A pochi passi del Robaldo nasce il “Bosco del Toro”: domani la cerimonia di piantumazione di alberi autoctoni
It is a year of news in Turin’s infrastructure. Not only the Robaldo makeover, but now also the “Bosco del Toro.” What is it all about? Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 26, at Colonnetti Park and near the Robaldo itself there will be a planting ceremony of native trees; this Wood, in particular, will be accessible to all citizens. The ceremony will also be attended by Torino’s managers and team group, as well as some of the municipal institutions including the Councillor for Sports, Major Events and Tourism Domenico Carretta, and also the President of Suzuki Italia, Massimo Nalli. This will be an initiative that will represent a concrete commitment to the city’s sustainable future.