The role of goalkeeper at Lazio is in question: between Provedel in trouble and possible replacements, next season could bring big news
Lazio, Provedel al capolinea: 3 nomi per sostituirlo in estate (Foto: Ansa) –
Remember when Ivan Provedel was the idol of the biancocelesti fans? It doesn’t even seem so long ago that he was saving Lazio with decisive interventions and the confidence of a veteran.
Today, however, his magical moment seems only a faded memory. The situation has become complicated, and the starting spot, which until recently seemed untouchable, is beginning to teeter. It is a matter of confidence: the one Provedel has lost and the team is struggling to regain.
Alarm bells were already ringing last year, but this season has highlighted a deterioration that few expected. The breaking point? Probably the match against Napoli.
A mistake can happen to anyone, of course, but that double bungle against Raspadori – the misplaced pass first, and then the shot passed between the legs – made even the most patient turn their noses up at it. And it’s not just an unfortunate episode: it’s the feeling that there’s a real lack of lucidity at key moments.
After the last performance, it took Marco Baroni to defend him in a press conference, “He is the starter and he is not to be touched.” Clear words, almost definitive. But are we sure that this trust is really unwavering? On the field, numbers and performances tell a different story. Lazio cannot afford too many missteps, and at this rate Provedel’s incumbency risks being more of a short-term promise than a long-term certainty.
There is no shortage of alternatives and, between the lines, there is beginning to be a sense that something will change next season. Not immediately, perhaps, but in June Lazio could seriously revise its plans between the posts.
Stankovic, Milinkovic, Montipò: i nomi per il dopo Provedel
Who will be Lazio’s new number one? There are several options, and Fabiani, always an expert in fishing for unexpected talent, could surprise everyone. But let’s stay for a moment in Italy, where there are a few goalkeepers who could fit the biancoceleste team like a glove.
Stankovic, Milinkovic, Montipò: i nomi per il dopo Provedel (AnsaFoto) –
C’è Filip Stankovic, figlio d’arte (suo padre, Dejan, è una leggenda della Lazio). Al Venezia si sta facendo notare, e il suo futuro sembra sempre più luminoso. Il Venezia potrebbe riscattarlo dall’Inter per circa 2 milioni, aprendo scenari interessanti anche per i biancocelesti.
Un’altra idea è Vanja Milinkovic-Savic, portiere del Torino con un fisico imponente e ottime doti nel gioco con i piedi, un elemento sempre più importante nel calcio moderno. Non è un caso che sia finito spesso nei radar di squadre che vogliono costruire il gioco fin dalle retrovie e il club che ha fatto grande suo fratello Sergej potrebbe decidere di puntare proprio su di lui.
Infine c’è Lorenzo Montipò, già allenato da Baroni sia a Benevento che a Verona. Anche per lui potrebbe essere arrivato il momento di cambiare aria, e il suo profilo rappresenterebbe una garanzia di esperienza e solidità per la Lazio.
What about Provedel? Hard to imagine his immediate farewell. More likely, if the club were to focus on a new starter, he would be offered a second-tier role. But would he willingly accept such downsizing? The answer is not a foregone conclusion. It will all depend on his desire for redemption and the market opportunities that may come at the end of the season.
This article Lazio, Provedel at the end of the line: 3 names to replace him in summer appeared first on SerieANews.