RANIERI: “The future is Soulé’s, what a brush stroke he made. The new ones? I have to rotate, they’ll give us a hand. Dybala and Hummels with Porto.”

AS ROMA NEWS – Claudio Ranieri spoke to reporters’ microphones to talk about Parma-Roma, a match valid for the 25th day of the championship. These are the statements of the Giallorossi coach after the match.


Was it the performance you expected?
“I am satisfied, I knew it would be difficult, Parma has good players. We scored a beautiful goal, a brushstroke, we had to close it out and we didn’t succeed. I am happy, the three points were what we needed.”

“He knows, I believe in it a lot. It is not easy to play for Roma, let’s draw a parallel with Baldanzi: last year he was not so convinced, now when he gets the ball he is always dangerous. He has to be calm, the Roma of the future will be his.”

The referee?
“I like it when he has personality, then the mistake is there. And Chiffi has personality.”

The new people?
“I am convinced they will help us. I have to do that, make rotations. It wasn’t easy to take off Angelino, but I was afraid he would get hurt and I didn’t have anyone because Salah is not in the list…”

How are Dybala and Mancini doing?
“Mancini took a blow to his ankle and it was swelling. Dybala is fine, he plays on Thursday. He took a big hit, but I have him available.”

Hummels back with Porto?
“Most likely, he seems to me to have recovered.”


Do you remember that Soulé goal with Cagliari?
“Unfortunately, yes (laughs ed.). Tonight we are enjoying it. He is a good player and he is adapting to the Roma shirt, he is a guy we believe a lot in and he is doing very well. We are happy with his performance.”

Today Shomurodov made a decisive play together with Soulé. Why then did you move the Argentine more to the outside?
“I reversed them to let Saelemaekers play between the lines, I wanted both him and Pellegrini to be able to find each other, being behind the Parma line they could create numerical superiority and find spaces. Good actions were there but unfortunately we didn’t close the game, that’s the only regret I have because we controlled the ball well. In 10 vs 11 we weren’t selfish and we turned the ball over well, I’m happy like that but we could have closed the game earlier and be more serene.”

What kind of Olympics does he want on Thursday?
“Our fans know what kind of environment there will be, we want their support, Porto has a lot of quality and they love the restarts. We will have to be careful and try to win of course.”

Possible Europe through the league?
“We don’t know, they are two big bets, I have said from the beginning that we will play game by game and then we will see what we have put in. We can’t say we’re going this way and that way, I hope we can continue to rotate these guys because it would mean we’re moving forward in Europe. The guys who are playing less are giving us a great hand as well as with Napoli and Venice. Let’s move forward day by day and then we’ll see what we can do.”

Soulé and Ndicka said on a scale of 1 to 10 that they were loaded 11 by Thursday. Do you agree?
“We are loaded, we needed a positive performance in Parma but we have to be smart and not get caught up in wanting to win at all costs and let them counterattack. We had a great game in the first leg, we were not lucky in closing it out, we have to be very wise in the return.”

How is Dybala doing? Will he be able to recover?
“He is recovered.”


How did you handle the extra man? Should it have been closed earlier?
“We managed well but we had to score goals, not to risk equalizing with an episode a game in full control. We were 11 against 10, we couldn’t double due to our demerits and great merits of their goalkeeper. I am a little bitter but maybe seeing the standings I will be a little happier.”

What did he think of Gourna-Douath’s performance?
“The idea was to block Bernabé, then he had to attack and insert and he did that quite well. Not being able to train him at his best yet he doesn’t have ninety minutes, he had some cramps. Salah-Eddine had a good game, we have to serve him better, Angeliño is being served more balls. He had a good match, he gives us confidence and peace of mind.”

Was it Bernabé that worried her?
“I was worried about the arrows in the attack, but Bernabé throws them. That’s why I wanted to stop him from playing.”

What did you fear about Parma?
“I expected this match, we have the Achilles heel of the opponent’s restarts. We are training a lot, I hope we can solve also because on Thursday we face a very strong team in this.”

How did you see Parma?
“I’m honest, I thought it was a more nervous team. The public is behind them, they help them and they don’t give up. It is important to believe, when I arrived in Parma we believed. If these guys believe in it they will get there.”

What is the cure with which he saved himself with Parma?
“I arrived that we were last, worse than that you could not do. The cure is to believe in it and train well, from what I saw today it’s like that, then I don’t know them. When you lose games you run the risk of nervousness surfacing and I didn’t see that today, they seemed good guys. So they will make it.”

Did you expect surprise moves from Pecchia?
“I didn’t expect any surprise moves, maybe just a more thoughtful half-winger who could give Bernabé a hand in our restarts. Instead, he played with half-wings all over the field, but we managed well.”

Have you set a particular goal for yourselves?
“I believe in work, I have said so since I arrived. I don’t like to promise but to work. I don’t know what we can do but the fans have to be sure that we will give our best. I have no starters, when you play even in Europe you have to do that. I hope to continue like this to give everyone freedom to express themselves. We do our best in every game, I always demand performance. Then the results are the child of episodes, but you always have to give the best you have. That satisfies me.”


Article RANIERI: “The future is Soulé’s, what a brush stroke he made. The new ones? I have to rotate, they will give us a hand. Dybala and Hummels with Porto” comes from Giallorossi.net, exclusive news, news and soccer market.

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