Godeas: “I know Pecchia, he is manic. But Parma is in serious trouble.”

At the microphones of news.superscommesse.it spoke Denis Godeas. The former footballer spoke about the moment of the Gialloblu and how the coach will be able to get out of the crisis of results, these are his statements:

“I think among those that are struggling the most is Parma. I had the good fortune to play with Fabio Pecchia at Como, I know him quite well and I know how maniacal he is in preparing matches in detail. He is a coach who has shown that he can accomplish goals with some skill, just look at the beautiful promotion he achieved last year. Despite the fact that the team has a young imprint, composed of many youngsters who can aspire to a very good career, I have seen it in serious difficulty in recent months. I don’t know what could have happened, because it started off quite well and it is strange to see it in that position in the standings. I thought she would make a different league, although there are still a lot of games left to make up for it. It has all the qualities to pull itself out of the danger zone, the ranking is quite short and leaves glimmers of improvement.”

The post Godeas: “I know Pecchia, he is manic. But Parma is in serious trouble” appeared first on Forza Parma.

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