Cherubini: “Some dynamics have changed in management. I have a good relationship with Pecchia.”

L’arrivo del nuovo AD ha portato alcune variazioni nella dirigenza crociata

The arrival of a figure like Cherubini’s has led, inevitably, to some changes within the organization of the Crusader leadership. A change in the dynamics explained by Cherubini himself at the presentation press conference, who also dwelt in particular on Pederzoli’s role: “My arrival has also entailed a reorganization of the Technical Area. Mauro Pederzoli will take care of other things within the club. Then there are Alessandro Pettinà and Mathieu Lacome, with Notari remaining head of the Scouting Area. Mauro will remain within the Technical Area. Specific projects or follow a future prospectus. With his experience he can do everything.”

The arrival of the former Juventus manager is also good news for coach Fabio Pecchia, who had already worked with Cherubini, right in the bianconero, and who thus finds again a reference figure for the club. Moreover, the two, as Cherubini explains, are linked by a good relationship: “I have already been lucky enough to have an experience together. A great experience, that of Juventus’ second team. This relationship is already there, even with some people from his staff who were there with him. It’s not all new to me.”

The post Cherubini: “Some dynamics have changed in management. I have a good relationship with Pecchia” appeared first on Forza Parma.

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