Here Genoa – Balotelli chaos, could have resolved and gone to Monza but didn’t. Now what?

It came close to a lightning strike for Monza, which wanted to secure Mario Balotelli. The striker, on a collision course with Genoa and on his way out of the Grifone, was very close to moving to the Brianzoli and would have been a return, after the parenthesis spent in Serie B in the 2020/2021 season. Balotelli’s agents had been at work since this afternoon in Milan where, after an intense series of meetings and phone calls with various clubs, the biancorosso club right on the gong of the winter market session decided to step up and close the deal. Which, however, did not come to a conclusion, we explain below why.

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The article Here Genoa – Chaos Balotelli, could have resolved and gone to Monza but didn’t. Now what?” comes from Calcio Lecce.

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