There was not only the first team’s match, which drew against Torino, to enliven the past weekend at Atalanta. The Nerazzurri Youth Sector’s weekend opened on Friday with the Primavera team’s setback on Cesena’s field (in the 5-3, Manzoni’s double and Lonardo’s goal). On Saturday the U16 was defeated on the field of Brescia (1-0). Offi the U18 overcame (2-0) Sassuolo at the Bortolotti Center thanks to goals by Valdivia and Bono. Defeat on the field of Monza (3-2) for the U17 (goals by Alessandro Rinaldi and Pedretti), while the U15 went through (4-1) on that of Brescia (goals by Edomwnoyi, Percassi, Cappellato and El Hafid).
On the women’s side, the U17 also won the third and final playoff match for the Interregional Phase at the Cagliari field (5-0 with goals from Caroli, Saccomandi, Norscia, Maroni and Krafia). The Nerazzurre qualified with full points for the Interregional Phase.
The article Youth Sector: weekend results comes from CalcioAtalanta.