Gasperini gets angry (even with journalist): ‘Referee no longer matters’

Giampiero Gasperini, tecnico dell’Atalanta, ha commentato il pareggio per 1-1 nella sfida tra Atalanta e Torino

“In soccer it’s a matter of inches, the team dominated for a long time in all aspects, we lacked the decisive spurt. We also scored goals, one with Bellanova that was taken away from us, a significant penalty, then we missed another. We go out with regret but the performance is commendable,” was how Gasperini commented on the challenge against Torino. On Maldini: “We are counted in defense, today Kolasinac was added, also in attack we were always pulled, it is not easy playing so many games, now we will have an extra player and we will see to understand his characteristics. Gone away Zaniolo numerically we are the same.”

Gasperini contro l’arbitro (e i giornalisti)

“Everyone who played did well. We are in a moment of stress of matches. This result will give us boost, when something is taken away from you, we have to understand who is the referee whether the one on the pitch or the one at Var, I think by now we have to focus on the one at Var, because the one on the pitch doesn’t count anymore, the decisions are made by Var.” And when the coach is asked by Dazn what decision he disagrees with, Gasperini lashes out at the journalist, raising his tone: “Don’t be smart, you’re watching it, what are you asking me. So what? Are you falling from the clouds?”, Gasperini gets angry with the Dazn reporter.

Gasperini su Scamacca

On Scamacca. “After a minute he had a quadriceps problem, too bad because he has been doing every test for weeks, it was not long before the end of the game, hopefully it is not something that will stop him.” On Kolasinac: “I don’t know if someone will come in for this injury, his is not a long injury but stopping even 2 weeks means missing 4-5 games.”

Gian Piero Gasperini

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