Campolunghi: “Proud of the collaboration with Juventus.”

At a press conference, Luca Campolunghi, content creator and president of Zebras FC, a participating team in the Kings League, spoke about the collaboration with Juventus. Here are his words, “As a Juventus fan who was born and grew up Juventus, as a guy who gets into making videos about his favorite team and comes knocking Juve for your language and communication and coming to work in Juventus is first of all pride and then great responsibility. Juventus means clean language, education and respect, being a toxic non-fan. How did it develop to get into the Kings League? When I started doing web challenges and then this project was born, I immediately got interested and was called.”

Campolunghi: “La Juve ci aiuta con social e comunicazione”

The content creator continued: “It is a big responsibility but it feels so good that I want to do it, without having remorse. I’ve been collaborating with Juventus for years and when I talked to Juve I said let’s do it because I feel ready at the level of responsibility and I also feel I have to take on certain responsibilities and take the next step because now I’m for all intents and purposes a president of a club. Juventus has made the Creator Lab available to us and when it is possible we will go to Vinovo to do retreats. Then they are giving us a great hand on social media and communication. On Sunday we will all be at the stadium to watch Juventus-Empoli.” Read also about former Juve captain Danilo’s Kings League project <<<

The article Campolunghi: “Proud of partnership with Juventus” comes from

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