Calcio Napoli News – The match between Fiorentina and Napoli was staged in a climate that was anything but serene. The latest decisions against the blue club.
Fiorentina-Napoli is never just any game. The two teams experience a strong rivalry, even more so on the purple side because of the animosity between the fans. In fact, the match staged last Saturday was once again full of themes. Above all, there is of course the crushing victory of the Azzurri, who left the Franchi with a clear 0-3 victory. On top of that, however, the Neapolitan club was forced to come to terms with the Giudice Sportivo.
Multa al Napoli, la decisione del Giudice Sportivo
The Giudice Sportivo has decided to impose a fine on Napoli after the last match played in Florence. While everyone expected a sanction against the purple club, the body decided instead to “punish” the blue club. Below are the reasons and the sanction.
Sanzione ai danni del Napoli (LaPresse) –
“Fine of € 3,000.00: to Soc. NAPOLI as objective responsibility, for having unjustifiably delayed the start of the match by about three minutes.”
The decision of the Sports Judge thus “blames” the blue club. The latter, will be forced to fulfill the sanction imposed after what happened in Florence. Discourse on the other hand, for the hosts who did not suffer any measure despite the many complaints of the Azzurri fans present at the Franchi.