Group victory: Conceicao exults, fever doesn’t stop Milan

Sergio Conceicao’s Milan won the first game of his career on the Milan bench, with character, but not only

Good first. Sergio Conceicao managed to earn his first win on the Milan bench, beating Thiago Motta’s Juventus, who had never lost to an Italian side this season.

La vittoria del gruppo: Conceicao esulta, la febbre non ferma il Milan (LaPresse) –

It was a victory for the group, which regrouped next to its leader, who despite his fever was there on the sidelines leading his team. Shouting, without his coat on, giving directions to each and every player, taking notes especially during a first half in which his men failed to do what he requested. In the locker room he raised his voice, but then at the end of the match he hugged them one by one, despite the fact that in front of the cameras he implied anything but. Conceicao was tough but clear-headed to reporters’ microphones: he used both the stick and especially the carrot with his players, and the results showed.

That the wind had changed was immediately apparent. Landing Alessandro Florenzi in Saudi Arabia, as recounted by Alessandro Jacobone, was a clear signal of what Sergio Conceicao’s priority was. To re-compact the group, making it as one. Only united can we win, preferably with a leader to guide it.

Milan, abbraccio di squadra: è la prima vittoria di Conceicao

So at the end of the game, the images of the team gathered in a circle, all hugging, with Ismael Bennacer talking, certainly did not go unnoticed.

Milan, abbraccio di gruppo: è la prima vittoria di Conceicao (LaPresse) –

Conceicao’s Milan started from here, from the group. This was the Portuguese coach’s first victory, despite a fever. Fever that also affected Alex Jimenez and Tammy Abraham, who still gave their contribution for the team.

Milan therefore restarts with this new spirit and the conviction that with the new coach many things can change. Talking about the field and technical choices now seems somewhat premature, but the former Porto’s ability to turn the situation around, with the right motivations, with the right changes after a rather negative first half, should be underlined. This is no small detail for a team that especially in the last period struggled terribly to react. It is only a small step, but the light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to show.

The article Group victory: Conceicao exults, fever doesn’t stop Milan was written and published in its original version on

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